The future’s leaders have tested our new product

Between 26-28 May 2017 TSZC Mikes Kelemen Felnőtt és Ifjúsági Gimnáziuma, Szakgimnáziuma és Szakközépiskolája has organised the final of „Funplus” Central-European Business Simulation Competition in Tatabánya, Hungary. The competition was based on our business simulation game developed for high school students funded by Erasmus+ programme.

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The aim of the project was to provide a pragmatic education and training form based on business simulation. From September 2017, it will also be available in high school education in Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian and English. In order to spread the software as widely as possible and as rapidly as possible among the teachers, we and the 3 educational institutions of our consortia announced an international competition called “Funplus”.

The purpose of the competition was to enable students a chance to try out themselves as company leaders. The goal was to test their knowledge acquired from different subjects in a complex environment where they had to make decisions by running their own company. Students had to make strategic decisions at the helm of a commercial company, which included stock management, sales policy, HR decisions, financing issues and the expected reactions of opponents to the team’s ideas.

High school teachers could register their students in the form of teams of 3. 160 teams were registered by 85 teachers. Participants could join the qualifiers from Slovakia, Serbia, Romania and Hungary. The best teams in qualifiers entered the online semi-finals. To the final we invited the top 6 teams in the region. Besides the competition, our Hungarian partner, Mikes high school have organized leisure programs for the participants, ensuring that they get to know each other better, and later relationships can be found between the students and the schools too.

The first ranked team came from Serbia, called Akciós Áron, from Subotica, the second from Romania, from Oradea, the Erkrizsó team, in the third place from the Hungarian Rackeve Ady Endre High School, the team called Trimentum. The fourth place was achieved by the team Új Omegas from Slovakia, the fifth by the Romanian team of Ped-A-Team, and the sixth place by Székely Csajok from Romania, Csíkszereda. Congratulations once again for the good result!

If you are interested and would like to use the program during your secondary school education, please register at and we will notify you as soon as you have the opportunity to use simulation software for high school education. If you have any further questions, please write to or contact us at 06-20-489-4774.

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