Digital Conference 2017 – „Digital space”
In the autumn of 2017 a new phase will be launched in the professional dialogue on digital pedagogy. We will be members of this dialogue as well. The conference seeks answers such as:
- What does learning mean in digital age?
- How does school prepare pupils for the future?
- What acquisition and development of skills is essential for successful prosperity in the world of work?
Reading time: 1 minute 30 seconds
At the conference, you can meet us at the “II / 3 Simulation and Video Game in Education” section. The section is expected to be between 14:45 and 16:45.
Előadásunk/workshopunk címe: Developing business mindset with simulations. Ehhez adunk most egy kis kedvcsinálót.
The title of our lecture / workshop is: Developing business mindset with new generation of simulations. We give you now a little teaser.
99% of enterprises are SMEs within the EU, which embraces 2/3 of jobs in the private sector. Small companies are in fact the giants of the economy, as they provide 80% of new jobs (EU DG Enterprise). According to FIVOSZ’s survey, less than four percent (!) of the 2.3 million Hungarian young people aged 15-34 dare to start their own business, which is shocking in international comparison. In our presentation, we present a methodology that improves this indicator: in the spring of 2017, 480 high school students of 89 teachers from 4 countries participated in our Central European Business Simulation Competition. Based on student feedback, 87% of secondary school students using our simulation improved their entrepreneurial willingness.
In the frame of the workshop besides presenting the feedback received from the students, we also discuss how can successfully implement the method in secondary education, and teachers are offered the opportunity to test the software as a player. Primary teacher target group: economics teachers.
The detailed program of the conference can be accessed here:
The date of the conference: 2017. november 18.
The venue of the conference: ELTE Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar, 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 23-27.